PAY38 Auto Pay Calculation

Name Position Option Default Description
Paid up to date 24 Y   Don't pay employee if their paid-up-to-date is greater than or equal to the pay period end date including retrospective pays.
    R Don't pay employee if their paid-up-to-date is greater than or equal to the pay period end date excluding retrospective pays. If selected, ensure that PAY34Position 24 is also setup to 'R'.
    N   Do not check. If default is selected, ensure that PAY34 Position 24 is also set to 'N'.
Employee Detail Report 25     No longer used, now controlled by U3 switch
Suppress Auto 26 Y   Suppress an employee's Auto Pay (Terminated) the employee is terminating this run.
    N Do not suppress
Proportion Auto 27 Y  

Proportion an employee's auto pay from their Paid up to date and Pay Period End Date.

    N Do not proportion, full auto pay generated
Deduction Lots 28 Y  
Occupational Super 29     Applies only to employer super contributions based on a percentage of employee annual super gross (Q classification) or actual gross earnings (S classification)
    Y   Occupational super qualifying criteria is taken into account when calculating employer contributions
    N Occupational super qualifying criteria is ignored
Super for Prepayments and Rebanks 30     Applies only to employer super contributions based on a percentage of employee actual gross earnings (S classification)
    Y   Employer super is calculated on prepayments and rebanks. If the Occupational Super option (29) is Y, the qualifying criteria is ignored.
    N Employer Super is not calculated on prepayments and rebanks
Public Holidays 31 Y   Use 9 Organisation Levels as set up in the Organisation module
    Blank   Use 5 Costing Levels from the Payroll module
Print all Auto Pay Details 32 Y Print full employee Auto Pay details
    N   Print only employee Auto Pay details where there is an error or manual entry
Allow Prepayments and Rebanks regardless of Run Header 35 Y   Allow Prepayments/Rebanks if the employee's Paid up to date is in advance of the Run Header; and/or Pay Frequency is not included in the Run Header
    N Do not allow. For option 35 to function, position 26 in PAY34 must also be set to Y
Suppress Generation of Deduction Lots 36 Y   Suppress the automatic generation of deduction lots on a pay separator
    N or Blank Automatically add deduction lots to a pay separator
Allow payment of selected Pay Codes 37 Y   Allow the payment of Pay Codes setup in the Auto Pay Codes to include window regardless of the employee's Paid up to date.
    N Do not pay employee any pay codes if their paid up to date is greater than the Period End date on the Payrun header
Additional Auto Pay Report 38 Y   Produce Auto Pay report sorted according to the controls set in PY38A
    N   Do not produce report
In Advance Leave Transactions 39 Y

Allow the leave to reduce autopay from the following pay periods. Note that when customer databases are upgraded, this flag is set to 'Y'.

When set to 'Y', the following conditions will be applied to leaves that start in the current period and go into a future period (and is marked as paid in advance from ESS or keyed in):

  • The leave will need to be split at the period end date.
  • Appropriate costing / rates will be applied based on the dates.
  • When the next pay period is run, the leave that has been paid will be deducted from the autopay hours.

Leave in Advance will reduce the current pay period autopay and not run into the next pay period.